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  Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents on inventions than any other American.

  When he died in l931,Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him.

  One suggestion was that the nation observe a minute or two of total black-out.All electric power would be shut off in homes streets and factories.

  Perhaps this suggestion made Americans realize fully what Edison and his inventions meant to them.Electric power was too important to the country.Shutting it off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion.A black—out was out of the question.

  On the day of Edison's funeral,many people silently dimmed their lights.In this way they honored the man who had done mroe than anyone else to put the great force of electricity at his countrymen's fingertips.

  36.People decided to honor Edison when_________.

  A.he made the first electric light

  B.electric power was l00 years old

  C.the country realized electricity's importance

  D.he died in 1931


  37.The suggestion was to_______.

  A.turn off the lights in factories and schools

  B.observe a few minutes of total silence

  C.dim all electric lights

  D.shut off all electricity for a short time


  38.Americans fully realized what Edison's inventions meant when they________.

  A.heard of his death

  B.heard of the plan to honor him

  C.first used electric power

  D.tried to carry out the plan


  39.The plan was never carried out because_________.

  A.not everyone wanted to honor Edison

  B.it was too diffcultC.electric power Was too important to the country

  D.it honored only one of Edison's inventions



  The human body naturally prevents attempt( 企 图 )to lose or gain  weight.Thus the best way to lower your weight is to do some exercise daily.Although scientists don’t agree exactly how this works to lower the“setpoint”,they do know that exercise helps your body work with you and not against you in at least the

  following ways:

  1.Exercise burns calories(卡路里):if you walk two miles every day, you use an extra 1400 calories a week—and lose about a pound in two weeks.

  2.Exercise helps to bum fat and build muscle:since muscle requires more calories than fat does,the more muscle you have,the faster you will bum calories.

  3.Finally exercise speeds up your metabolism(新陈代谢),not just while you’re exercising,but for several hours after exercise ends.

  A program of light-to-moderate exercise done for only a half-hour a day is enough to keep your“setpoint”lowered,and thus helps you lose  weight and keep it off.If you need to lose more than five pounds ,combine regular exercise with a moderate reduction in calories until you reach your goal(目标).

  40.Scientists don’t________.

  A.think exercise helps people's bodies work against them

  B.agree exercise helps to lower people's weight

  C.bilieve in exercise at all

  D.think exercise helps people's bodies work with them


  41.Exercise helps you________.

  A.save calories and gain weight

  B.save calories but lose weight

  C.bum calories and lose weight

  D.burn calories but gain weight


  42.When you walk________.

  A.slowly,the fat in your body increases

  B.1ess,you build more muscles

  C.faster,you bum less calories

  D.fast,the fat in your body reduces


  43.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.A man of more muscles burns calories faster.B.Exercise speeds up your metabolism even after it.

  C.An hour and a halls exercise is not enough to keep your“setpoint”  lowered.

  D.To lose more than 5 pounds,just doing exercise is not enough.



  Some villagers were going to celebrate an important wine festival(酒宴)in a few days’time,So they borrowed a huge barrel from the nearest town,put it in the village square, and decided that each of them should empty a bottle of the best wine he had into it,so that there should be plenty at the feast(宴会).

  One of the villagers thought he would be very clever.“If I pour a bottle of water in.instead of wine.No one will notice it,”he said to himself. “because there will be so much excellent wine in the barrel that the water will be lost in it.”

  The night of the feast arrived.Everybody gathered in the village square with their bowls and their glasses for the wine.The tap(塞子)on the barrel was opened,but what came out was pure water.Everyone in the village had had the same idea.

  44.The villagers borrowed a huge barrel in order to__________.

  A.hold water

  B.take the place of wine bottleC.hold wine

  D.empty bottles


  45.From the passage we know that the feast would be held_________.

  A.in the village square

  B.in the nearest town

  C.around the barrel

  D.in their houses


  46.The sentence“the water will be lost in it”can be considered as________.

  A.the water would be mixed up with the wine

  B.the water couldn't:be found in the wine

  C.the water would flow through the barrel into the ground

  D.the water would be gone in the barrel


  47.What came out of the barrel was pure water because_______.

  A.all the wine had turned into water

  B.everybody in the village had poured water into the barrel

  C.someone had stolen the wine and put water into the barrel

  D.not only the man but the other villagers were very clever


  Like everyone else working at the Limerick nuclear-power( 核能)plant,Stanley Watras had to pass through the monitors(监测器)before  leaving the buildin9.Most of his co-workers.passed through without a problem,but Watras,an engineer,continually set off alarms(警报).Some days he was found to be carrying six times more radiation(辐射物)than normal.

  Neither Watras nor his co-workers could understand where he was picking it up.

  Then one day Watras went through the door at Limerick and turned and walked back through the monitors without ever entering the power block.Yet the machines still said he was carrying radiation.“If I wasn’t picking up radiation at work,there was only one place it could be coming from:my house.”

  When scientists came to test the Watrases’home in the countryside, they found out what was the matter.The house contained so much radon(氡)that living in it for a year was like being exposed(暴露)to 260, 000 chest X-rays.In the year the Watrases had spent there,they had increased their chances of getting lung cancer(癌症)by 13 or 14 percent.

  The next day the Watrases took down their Christmas tree,put their clothes in some bags and moved into a nearby hotel.“It was terrible,”  says Watras.The owner of the Limerick plant took charge of dealing with the

  Watrases ’ radon problem as an experiment.Scientists studied every comer of the house.When the ground was dug up,  they found that under  the house there was a uranium(铀)-beating rock.

  48.It was because________ that Stanley Watras was carrying six times more radiation than normal.

  A.he worked at a nuclear—power plant

  B.there was something wrong with the monitors

  C.he lived in a house in the countryside

  D.his house was built on a uranium-beating rock


  49.The monitors at the gates of the plant building gave alarms________.

  A.only whell Watras was leaving the building

  B.whenever Watras's co-workers were leaving the building

  C.only when Watras was passing through one day

  D.whenever Watras was passing through.Them


  50.Watras understood he was picking up radiation at.home as_________.

  A.he always set off alarms when passing through the monitors

  B.most of his co-workers passed through the monitors without problem

  C.he proved one day he wasn’t picking up.radiation at work

  D.scientists found out his house contained radiation


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